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Accountant 2: New In Town

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Mission Details

Title Accountant 2: New In Town
Released 2016-05-08
Version 3
Author(s) Goldwell
Mission Type Single Mission
Size 337 MB
Description Picking up right where the accountant 1 left off, you meet with your fence to give him his necklace but unfortunately he changed his part of the bargain. Now you need to find another way out of the city.

Mission Download Locations: Accountant 2: New In Town

Localization Packs: Accountant 2: New In Town

FM Screenshots: Accountant 2: New In Town

Accountant 2: New In Town #1


Accountant 2: New In Town #2


Accountant 2: New In Town #3


Accountant 2: New In Town #4


Accountant 2: New In Town #5


Accountant 2: New In Town #6


Accountant 2: New In Town #7
