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The Spider And The Finch

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Mission Details

Title The Spider And The Finch
Released 2023-11-18
Version 5
Author(s) GrodenVR
Mission Type Single Mission
Size 37 MB
Description My sister has cased Lord Elsevier's island mansion on the river Tyne - there is a good amount of loot to be had. I'm to pick her up by rowboat and leave with the bounty. As often is the case, things don't go exactly to plan.

Mission Download Locations: The Spider And The Finch

Localization Packs: The Spider And The Finch

No localisation packs available for this FM.

FM Screenshots: The Spider And The Finch

The Spider And The Finch #1


The Spider And The Finch #2


The Spider And The Finch #3


The Spider And The Finch #4
