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Sir Talbot's Collateral

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Mission Details

Title Sir Talbot's Collateral
Released 2015-04-15
Version 7
Author(s) Baal, Bikerdude
Mission Type Single Mission
Size 67 MB
Description This is a relatively small, but very detailed and polished mission. When I started it over two years ago, I tried to limit the size and scope of the map to a manageable level to get something released sooner rather than later. The basic layout was quickly built and all that was left to do then was to flesh it out. Well, that got a bit out of hand. At some point I decided that it would take me too much time to keep up the level of detail I already had, and asked Bikerdude for help. Of course he said yes, and I honestly believe that the mission would never have been finished without him. He built a few extra areas and the endresult is really beautiful. Now it's finally done and we hope you enjoy this little addition to The Dark Mod.

Mission Download Locations: Sir Talbot's Collateral

Localization Packs: Sir Talbot's Collateral

FM Screenshots: Sir Talbot's Collateral

Sir Talbot's Collateral #1

Baal, Bikerdude

Sir Talbot's Collateral #2

Baal, Bikerdude

Sir Talbot's Collateral #3

Baal, Bikerdude

Sir Talbot's Collateral #4

Baal, Bikerdude

Sir Talbot's Collateral #5

Baal, Bikerdude

Sir Talbot's Collateral #6

Baal, Bikerdude

Sir Talbot's Collateral #7

Baal, Bikerdude

Sir Talbot's Collateral #8

Baal, Bikerdude

Sir Talbot's Collateral #9

Baal, Bikerdude

Sir Talbot's Collateral #10

Baal, Bikerdude