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Alberic's Curse

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Mission Details

Title Alberic's Curse
Released 2011-06-20
Version 8
Author(s) Bikerdude
Mission Type Single Mission
Size 51 MB
Description "At night, they say, the Builders' hand comes loose from his mighty hammer and creatures wander out from their hiding places while he slumbers. But tis this night, above all others that unholy vapours cloak the land with gloomy curtains and creatures dance and sing in the twilight." "I can't say I'm looking forward to my endeavors this night.... I've been given a job by a Priest to retrieve two holy artifacts from an abandoned cloister in Eldin woods north of the city, simple job I thought, but the priest failed to mention the placed was haunted."

Mission Download Locations: Alberic's Curse

Localization Packs: Alberic's Curse

FM Screenshots: Alberic's Curse

Alberic's Curse #1


Alberic's Curse #2


Alberic's Curse #3


Alberic's Curse #4


Alberic's Curse #5


Alberic's Curse #6


Alberic's Curse #7


Alberic's Curse #8
