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Lords & Legacy

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Mission Details

Title Lords & Legacy
Released 2013-08-30
Version 2
Author(s) Kvorning
Mission Type Single Mission
Size 48 MB
Description "The Stonereach district has been governed by the Leary lineage for a dozen generations. The Leary lords have been both kind and generous, as cruel and greedy. Since the passing of 'Old Man Leary', his two sons have been sharing the title as Lords of Stonereach. Robert, the warm hearted and oldest of the two, is the governing lord of the district, while his brother Lancel just grows green and bitter with envy." -...- "The people want Lancel gone. Though Robert frowns upon Lancel’s cruelty, they are still brothers, and Lancel is still a lord. A petty man, protected by title and wealth, is difficult to remove without just cause. A group of commoners and nobles, still with coin to spare, gave my 'contact' an offer he passed on to me."

Mission Download Locations: Lords & Legacy

Localization Packs: Lords & Legacy

FM Screenshots: Lords & Legacy

Lords & Legacy #1


Lords & Legacy #2


Lords & Legacy #3


Lords & Legacy #4


Lords & Legacy #5
