Mother Rose
Please refer to the articles on our wiki to get information on Installing and Running Fan Missions.
Please refer to the articles on our wiki to get information on Installing and Running Fan Missions.
Title | Mother Rose |
Released | 2016-01-02 |
Version | 2 |
Author(s) | Grayman |
Mission Type | Single Mission |
Size | 9 MB |
Description | Bridgeport had become a bit too 'hot' for me, so I was escaping to Glenham to let things cool off. A heavy snow drove me to seek cover at an inn near the River Stokes ferry. I dropped into a chair near the fire and ordered a small beer and meat pie from the innkeeper. For the next hour or so, I listened to the conversations around me. Mostly inane topics like the best way to remove tree stumps from a field, or what the current odds were for the Widow Shalemont taking the local Watch captain for a husband. One story peaked my interest, however-that of Jacob Nearfeather, the town doctor, who had vanished a week earlier. He had been complaining about a spirit running amok in his house, breaking things, and was offering a hefty purse for whoever could purge the spirit. A few had tried, but all had turned up dead after being in the house a while. Then Nearfeather disappeared. |