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No Honor Among Thieves v4

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Mission Details

Title No Honor Among Thieves v4
Released 2010-04-29
Version 10
Author(s) GoldChocobo, Mortem Desino, Bikerdude, RailGun
Mission Type Campaign
Size 217 MB
Description An old friend of mine approached me the other night with some interesting information. Apparently our beloved Governor Archibald Cloist, is a whore-monger and a liar. Nothing out of the norm for Bridgeport's politicians, but there's an interesting string attached to all of this. The local religious authorities "The Builders", have found him out and have been paid out by the Governor himself to keep their mouth shut. The Builder in question is the Arch-Bishop himself "Lavonte Duchane". These two really seem like my type, bribing and blackmailing away at each other, so much so I think I'll join them. I highly doubt if the situation were made public it would fare well for either of their careers. Archibald would lose the noble's financial support and the public trust and the Arch-Bishop would probably face prison time and some "Builder Scourging". So tonight's the night, I'm going to break into a religious maniac's cathedral, black mail a Governor and rob everyone blind in the process. nb: This Campaign was originally released 2010/04/29, but has had four version updates since then. Latest 2021/08/18

Mission Download Locations: No Honor Among Thieves v4

Localization Packs: No Honor Among Thieves v4

FM Screenshots: No Honor Among Thieves v4

No Honor Among Thieves v4 #1

GoldChocobo, Mortem Desino, Bikerdude, RailGun

No Honor Among Thieves v4 #2

GoldChocobo, Mortem Desino, Bikerdude, RailGun

No Honor Among Thieves v4 #3

GoldChocobo, Mortem Desino, Bikerdude, RailGun

No Honor Among Thieves v4 #4

GoldChocobo, Mortem Desino, Bikerdude, RailGun

No Honor Among Thieves v4 #5

GoldChocobo, Mortem Desino, Bikerdude, RailGun

No Honor Among Thieves v4 #6

GoldChocobo, Mortem Desino, Bikerdude, RailGun

No Honor Among Thieves v4 #7

GoldChocobo, Mortem Desino, Bikerdude, RailGun

No Honor Among Thieves v4 #8

GoldChocobo, Mortem Desino, Bikerdude, RailGun

No Honor Among Thieves v4 #9

GoldChocobo, Mortem Desino, Bikerdude, RailGun