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Samhain Night

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Mission Details

Title Samhain Night
Released 2011-10-09
Version 7
Author(s) PranQster
Mission Type Single Mission
Size 4 MB
Description "Samhain... the festival of the new year, the harvest, the onset of winter, and celebration of the dead. The pagans who celebrate it are likely dancing around fires in the forest right about now. The Builders see to it that the celebrations don't take place in the city. The townsfolk mostly stay indoors this night. A good night for me to go looting. I have something special in mind this year... (more) ... (the tomb) houses a large Ruby which nobody has ever been able to steal, though every few years some taffer decides to try... ... I have never been a superstitious man, and nobody in this town has my skills. This year the ruby will be mine. Bugger their stupid curse. This should be easy. The town is quiet and the cemetery unlikely to have guards or many visitors this night. It should be a simple matter of entering the tomb, prying up the ruby, and leaving."

Mission Download Locations: Samhain Night

Localization Packs: Samhain Night

FM Screenshots: Samhain Night

Samhain Night #1


Samhain Night #2


Samhain Night #3


Samhain Night #4
