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William Steele 1: In the North

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Mission Details

Title William Steele 1: In the North
Released 2012-10-21
Version 4
Author(s) Grayman
Mission Type Single Mission
Size 40 MB
Description In the North is a mansion heist that takes place outside the town of Braedon, north of Bridgeport. William Steele is an adventurer from Bridgeport who has been away several years, working as a soldier/guard for one Lord Bascombe at his castle in Braedon. Lord Harckoff, a nasty fellow who lives in a renovated Builder church nearby, sees Bascombe as a threat to his shady business, and has put a price on Bascombe's head. Steele decides to visit Harckoff one night to see what he can do to prevent Bascombe's death. The William Steele Missions In the North is the first of several Steele missions. Altogether they'll tell a story of corruption, greed, and revenge. At some point, I'll start packaging them as a campaign, in addition to the single missions.

Mission Download Locations: William Steele 1: In the North

Localization Packs: William Steele 1: In the North

FM Screenshots: William Steele 1: In the North

William Steele 1: In the North #1


William Steele 1: In the North #2


William Steele 1: In the North #3


William Steele 1: In the North #4
