To celebrate our 15th year, we are holding a fan mission contest!
Now is your time to demonstrate the mission design that best exemplifies your personal style and capabilities! Please consider entering this event!
Unlike most recent contests, there is no defined theme and we are simply going to score based on our standard metrics of Story, Gameplay, and Visuals with our standard weighted scoring:
Max Possible = Total Votes * 5 (Outstanding)
TotalMaxPointsPoss (TMP) = AllCategoryVotecount(ACV) * 30
Full Weighted Score (FWS) = (Gameplay score*3 + Visual score*2 + Story score) / TMP
Contest Submissions should be provided before October 16th so that players can start playing and celebrating on the 17th!
The players have been keen to relay that they would like really creative missions so it may be worthwhile to examine our “Community Unusual Contest” to get an idea about the wild range of possibilities we offer to designers.
Also, since the contest submission is in October, there will probably be an increased desire for Horror themes.
The Dark Mod 2.12 was just released so including new 2.12 features is strongly encouraged.
Finally, it might be nice if authors name their protagonist Corbin to match the included missions.
( None of the above suggestions are requirements for the submissions. )